Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Big papa

This morning as I was packing Brendan's lunch I decided I would look at his journal entry from yesterday. He does this for school. They just write 4 or 5 sentences about their day, or sometimes I give him a subject to write about. It's not a grade, but it encourages them to write. I started to read it, and the tears started filling my eyes:
It reads: "My dad was gone all day. I was sad. My dad came home. I was happy. I played outside."
Now, if that doesn't tug at your heartstrings, let me tell you why it tugs mine. I know it sounds cliche, but any man can be a father, it takes a real man to be a Daddy. A man that plays catch with his son, a man that goes to Dads and Donuts, a man that let's his 7 year old crawl in bed when he's had a nightmare. This is a real man. I realize today more than ever, how lucky Brendan and I are. Brad has changed both of our lives in more ways than I can even express on this blog. He has grown into the *best* father in the world. He sincerely wants his kiddos to know that they are loved. And this, I am thankful for!

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